Many people start out with only acupuncture, and then add on the nutritional therapy later on. Acupuncture manipulates the flow of energy throughout your body and corrects the energetic imbalances.
Some common symptoms that may be addressed: Emotional issues such as, fatigue, anxiety, depression, Digestive complaints such as GERD, weight control, constipation/diarrhea, and insomnia, brain fog, hormonal issues, respiratory, musculoskeletal issues, skin problems, and immune disorders. Treatments may include: cupping,
electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, herbs, supplements, and/or
shiatsu massage.
We are glad to offer a superbill that you can submit to your insurance if they cover acupuncture.
New Patient visit- 90 minutes – $180.
Follow-up visit – 1 hour – $120.
May add Nutritional Counseling