The image shows a board with "C" on it which indicates Vitamin C. The board is surrounded by fruits that contain Vitamin C.

Vitamin C

Scurvy was a scourge for sailors during the mid-15th to mid-18th centuries when ships were dominant in global trade and warfare. No one knew that

A woman in a grocery store checking a product's label.

What to Look for in Food Labels

Perhaps the Romans were having trouble trusting their purveyors of food products since they coined the term, “Caveat Emptor,” let the buyer beware. Did they

The image shows caviar on shells.

Why are Fish Eggs so Amazing?

Perhaps you’ve tried a classic sushi boat with salmon fish eggs in your favorite Japanese restaurant. And you found it oh so yummy but didn’t

A woman lying in bed, receiving acupuncture treatment with needles.

Acupuncture in Belmont and Oceanside

What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture in Belmont and Oceanside – Your body is like land with a series of streams running through it. In Traditional Chinese

Raw beef meat on white background.

Where’s the Real Beef?

Why Eat Beef? Beef provides you with protein, iron, zinc, B Vitamins – especially Vitamin B12 – iodine, essential omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, carnitine, coenzyme-Q-10,

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