Acupuncture for Digestive Health
What is Acupuncture? Your body is like land with a series of streams running through it. In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory (diagnosis, acupuncture, herbs, moxibustion,
What is Acupuncture? Your body is like land with a series of streams running through it. In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory (diagnosis, acupuncture, herbs, moxibustion,
Since the early 1900’s people started responding to the infusion of chemicals into our food supply. The organic food movement began as a result of
The History of Cooking OilsUp until the 1950s, Americans used saturated or monosaturated fats to cook with –butter, lard, tallow, and coconut oil. Coronary heart
Did you know that your body needs fats to function properly? Did you know that many modern diseases could be a result of a lack
The Radish In my childhood, I remember seeing radishes when we ate in restaurants. They were solely used for decoration on iceberg lettuce, adding color
Acupuncturists, naturopaths, and functional doctors, focus on the prevention of disease: How to stay healthy by focusing on nutrition, physical activity, mental and emotional well-being,
Hey folks, this is America – you have the power of the purse. When cruising down the aisles of the grocery store lined with various
Parenting children (or adults) on the spectrum can be extremely challenging. Your life has been overshadowed by another’s needs completely. You’ve put your own needs
Scurvy was a scourge for sailors during the mid-15th to mid-18th centuries when ships were dominant in global trade and warfare. No one knew that
We talk about it all the time, but do we really know what it is and what is does to our body, when it’s acute